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Wrapping text around a custom shape in Adobe Illustrator.

Tbilisi, the mountains, orthodox churches. Get some dumplings.

Just a couple of little things to make life easier in InDesign.

This is a partial list of built-in PHP functions that I use for my reference.

This is partial list of PHP syntax and control structures that i’ve put together for my reference. It covers a lot of entry level examples.

Discussing the pros and cons of self hosting web fonts vs offsite loading.

Budapest in the winter. Buda Tower, Turkish Baths, Holiday Markets.

Istanbul, Hagia Sophia, Mosques. Turkish Delight!

Tunis, Roman Ruins, Mosques and Markets

Discussing the pros and cons of self hosting web fonts vs offsite loading.

While trying to establish an SSH Tunnel to Siteground, I encountered an error where I could push to the server but not pull. This was the solution.

If you are translating your site with Google Translate, you may need it to ignore specific pages or paragraphs. Here's how.

What is SSH? How does it work? This post will answer these questions and go over practical examples of how to use SSH on Mac OS X and PC.

What files should be included in the .gitignore file of a WordPress project?

Any Wordpress developer needs to understand what files are in the database vs stored in site files. This breaks it down.

Here is my 2016 list of preferred web development resources/tools for Windows.

Making sense of web development with WordPress and GIT. Getting into the details of where the files live, how they are connected and updated.

How to get your images to re-size automatically inside of your Tablepress cells.

Just a concert at the WOW hall.

If you are selling products on Amazon and need to create a link directly to the review page for a specific product, this is how.