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21 posts tagged with "Javascript"

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Merging Arrays of Objects. Delete all instances of key. Rename keys. Build new Array using Accessor. Sort Objects by property value. Etc...

How to keep a consistent timeline between various portions of an application. Timekeeping libraries.

A collection of useful code snippets.

The basics of Object Oriented Programming in Javascript. This, Call, Apply, Bind & New. Object creation, constructor function, instances and prototype.

Understanding the basics of Async Javascript by reviewing Promises, Async Await and Try/Catch Blocks

Promises are a new set of functionality in Javascript that provide an alternative to repetitive nested callback function (AKA callback hell)

Reviewing some of the new Javascript syntax such as template literal strings, const and let, arrow functions etc.

DOM Events are actions taken by the user, not things that are executed on pageload. Clicks, hovering, dragging etc. We use event listeners to detect these interactions, and then do something.

Using Javascript we can manipulate the DOM. We can change styles, toggle classes, manipulate attributes etc.

DOM selection is the process of selecting individual HTML objects using their HTML tags, CSS classes and ID’s so that they can be then be manipulated.

We can add functions to objects, as properties, and when that is done they are referred to as methods.

Really what we mean here is that you can have an array of objects, not just simple strings or numbers. And you can reference data in those objects with key:value pairs.

Objects are similar to arrays in the sense that they store data. However Objects use key value pairs and are better suited for many types of data.

An array is a type of basic data structure that lets us store and access information like numbers, strings, or even other arrays. Unlike objects, the order of items in an array matters.

Functions are reusable blocks of code. You can create your own functions and call them when you need them.

Some of the vanilla JS methods that can be used on strings. Such as .length and .toUpperCase.

A loop is an essential method for repeating an action several time very rapidly until a set of conditions are met.

Methods are useful pieces of code that are baked right into Javascript that you can call.

The basic groundwork of logical functions. Comparing values, evaluating truthfulness of statements and doing different things based on those results.

The 5 datatypes, mathematical operations, strings, variables, null & undefined.