A handy design pattern for managing global state in React applications using Context and custom hooks.
How to execute main process code from a renderer process in Electron 20+, using the electron-store package as an example.
Useful native methods for arrays and strings in JavaScript that help with common tasks like sorting, searching, and manipulating data.
What is dynamic programming? Learn about dynamic programming algorithms, recursive functions, recursive backtracking.
Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists, Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees, Heaps, Priority Queues, Hash Tables, Graphs, Union-Find (Disjoint Set)
IE Sliding Window, Two Pointers etc. Most algorithms can be categorized into 5 problem-solving patterns that help in identifying the optimal solution.
IE Brute Force, Greedy, Backtracking etc. A paradigm is a general approach or method used to design and implement algorithms to solve computational problems.
Integrating React Testing Library into a docusaurus project using Jest as the test runner, while also using TypeScript.
How to install and configure Jest for your JavaScript and TypeScript projects. Packages, configuration files, and running tests within a Docker container.