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Reviewing some of the new Javascript syntax such as template literal strings, const and let, arrow functions etc.

Using the Postman application to test POST routes inside of an Express application. Sending data to the application with a form.

When you create an EC2 Cloud9 instance, out of the box your preview will only be available in your native browser. This explains how to make the EC2 instance publicly available.

Express partials are like React components. Express EJS is like React JSX. This is the basics for laying out templates in Express.

Explaining the basics of EJS, which is how we use Javascript to create dynamic HTML content.

In order to dynamically generate URLs in Express we use route parameters (variables).

Express.js is a minimalist web application framework for Node.js. It is a bare bones framework that handles a lot of the basic functions of a web application, such as connecting to a database and handling http requests.

My personal reference for the terminal / command line / console.

Node.js is a Javascript runtime environment that allows you to execute Javascript outside of a browser, on a server.

There are a lot of times where you will want to automatically style every other element slightly differently, for example, in a table, to make it more legible.

This is a guide on how to build a simple responsive grid layout without using Flexbox or CSS Grid. AKA: Grids for Nostalgic Masochists. is a webhost that specializes in WordPress and Drupal hosting, but also allows for GIT version control.

Troubleshooting compatibility issues between the Wordpress plugins Autoptimize and Prismatic Syntax Highlighter

Some notes and examples on some of the most common jQuery modifiers

jQuery is an extremely popular Javascript library. It helps to speed up common tasks if you don’t mind adding a script that is 9000 lines long to your project. This post will cover the very basic methods that jQuery uses to select and modify elements.

DOM Events are actions taken by the user, not things that are executed on pageload. Clicks, hovering, dragging etc. We use event listeners to detect these interactions, and then do something.

Using Javascript we can manipulate the DOM. We can change styles, toggle classes, manipulate attributes etc.

DOM selection is the process of selecting individual HTML objects using their HTML tags, CSS classes and ID’s so that they can be then be manipulated.

We can add functions to objects, as properties, and when that is done they are referred to as methods.

Really what we mean here is that you can have an array of objects, not just simple strings or numbers. And you can reference data in those objects with key:value pairs.