RESTful routes is a conventional pattern to follow when structuring different routes for interacting with the server whenever an HTTP request is made by the client.
Dynamically adding items to the page for every piece of content. AKA every post gets a card on the homepage.
A quick guide on connecting, pulling and pushing to remote repositories (like GitHub). You will do this a lot. Like so many times.
MongoDB is a Non-Relational Database that stores data in objects and arrays. MongoDB is the most popular database to use with Node.js, Express.js, and modern web applications in general.
The Application Programming Interface is how code/computers talk to each other, and provides an easy way to collect data or services from external sources.
Reviewing some of the new Javascript syntax such as template literal strings, const and let, arrow functions etc.
Using the Postman application to test POST routes inside of an Express application. Sending data to the application with a form.
When you create an EC2 Cloud9 instance, out of the box your preview will only be available in your native browser. This explains how to make the EC2 instance publicly available.
Express partials are like React components. Express EJS is like React JSX. This is the basics for laying out templates in Express.