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Seeding is when we wipe the database and then add a set of filler data, which makes it easy to test when we are making changes. It’s sort of like Lorem Ipsum, for the database.

Creating local modules in Node to containerize functionality, making them reusable and better organization for your application

Anytime a user can input text data we have to sanitize the input so that they don't inject anything malicious, like a script to drop the database. This is how we sanitize inputs in Express.

Rounding out the UD portion of CRUD for our blog posts in Frosty CMS.

Adding dates to blog posts using Mongoose template and .toDateString. No MomentJS in this method.

Creating the single post blog page template. Dynamically linking to single posts from index page.

RESTful routes is a conventional pattern to follow when structuring different routes for interacting with the server whenever an HTTP request is made by the client.

The process of saving blog post data to the database by submitting it with a form.

Populating post templates with static content from MongoDB.

Setting up a MongoDB database on a Node server and using Mongoose to interact with that database.

Setting up forms to create new blog posts. Explains how Express captures and parses that data.

Dynamically adding items to the page for every piece of content. AKA every post gets a card on the homepage.

A quick guide on connecting, pulling and pushing to remote repositories (like GitHub). You will do this a lot. Like so many times.

Rio De Janeiro, Christ the Redeemer, Capybaras, Beaches, Street Food. Oi!

The goal of the project, planned features and initial wireframe.

Mongoose is a framework that makes it easy to pass data between a Node application and a MongoDB.

MongoDB is a Non-Relational Database that stores data in objects and arrays. MongoDB is the most popular database to use with Node.js, Express.js, and modern web applications in general.

Understanding the difference between relational and non-relational databases.

How to construct and display the results of dynamic API requests in an Express application.

The Application Programming Interface is how code/computers talk to each other, and provides an easy way to collect data or services from external sources.