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36 posts tagged with "Node"

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Adding dates to blog posts using Mongoose template and .toDateString. No MomentJS in this method.

Creating the single post blog page template. Dynamically linking to single posts from index page.

The process of saving blog post data to the database by submitting it with a form.

Populating post templates with static content from MongoDB.

Setting up a MongoDB database on a Node server and using Mongoose to interact with that database.

Setting up forms to create new blog posts. Explains how Express captures and parses that data.

Dynamically adding items to the page for every piece of content. AKA every post gets a card on the homepage.

Mongoose is a framework that makes it easy to pass data between a Node application and a MongoDB.

How to construct and display the results of dynamic API requests in an Express application.

Using the Postman application to test POST routes inside of an Express application. Sending data to the application with a form.

Express partials are like React components. Express EJS is like React JSX. This is the basics for laying out templates in Express.

Explaining the basics of EJS, which is how we use Javascript to create dynamic HTML content.

In order to dynamically generate URLs in Express we use route parameters (variables).

Express.js is a minimalist web application framework for Node.js. It is a bare bones framework that handles a lot of the basic functions of a web application, such as connecting to a database and handling http requests.

Node.js is a Javascript runtime environment that allows you to execute Javascript outside of a browser, on a server.

Grunt is a JavaScript task automator that runs on node. It automates tasks like minification.