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53 posts tagged with "AWS"

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Taking path parameters into account with our resources.

Using data models to validate our HTTP requests.

Adding data to our HTTP requests and responses

Staging and deploying our new serverless API

AWS Lambda is a micro-service that lets you run code without servers.

An introduction to Cross Origin Resource Sharing

Introduction to AWS IAM account security and permissions system. AWS account security.

An introduction to working with AWS API Gateway

Reviewing the AWS microservices that we would use to create a serverless application, or partially serverless application.

Creating a CI/CD Pipeline for a React application using AWS CodePipeline

Setting up a classic load balancer and security groups for a React application on AWS

An overview of the micro-services offered by AWS

When you create an EC2 Cloud9 instance, out of the box your preview will only be available in your native browser. This explains how to make the EC2 instance publicly available.