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Cognito workflow diagrams. Token samples. Token exchange code samples. Useful API methods.

Introduction to API Authorization and Authentication

Using API Gateway and Lambda functions to delete data from a DynamoDB database.

Adding and removing attribute values from data travelling in and out of DynamoDB. Using SDK Document Client to automate this process.

Fine-tuning IAM permissions between Lambda functions and DynamoDB

Using Lambda functions to retrieve data from a DynamoDB database and then pass it back through API Gateway.

An Introduction to AWS DynamoDB, the AWS NoSQL database. Interacting with a DynamoDB using Lambda.

Taking path parameters into account with our resources.

Using data models to validate our HTTP requests.

Adding data to our HTTP requests and responses

Staging and deploying our new serverless API

AWS Lambda is a micro-service that lets you run code without servers.

An introduction to Cross Origin Resource Sharing

Introduction to AWS IAM account security and permissions system. AWS account security.

The Design Process for creating this blog. Style Guide, wire-framing, menus, breakpoints etc.

An introduction to working with AWS API Gateway

Reviewing the AWS microservices that we would use to create a serverless application, or partially serverless application.

Breaking logic out of the render function in React component.

Make icon usage DRY and flexible by converting icons to components. Implementing icons into a menu.

Creating a CI/CD Pipeline for a React application using AWS CodePipeline