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Introduction to user authentication in React using Google OAuth

Starting our Twitch Clone project by introducing React-Router

If you are getting a lighthouse warning that you should remove unused Javascript you are probably incorrectly importing a library like lodash. Here is a solution

Creating custom React Hooks.

The theory behind navigation in a React application without using React-Router

Re-using our dropdown component and Google Translate API to create a translation widget. Throttling the API requests with debounced text.

Introducing the useRef hook to create a dropdown in React.

Throttling API requests to prevent request on every key-press.

How to prevent Cross-site Scripting in React Applications

We expand on our knowledge of React hooks by using the useEffect hook to create a Wikipedia search bar.

Introduction to Hooks for functional components. Using state in functional components to toggle an accordion.

Showing or hiding the Table Of Contents, depending on whether it exists or not.

A roundup of some of the logos that i've created for various businesses or products.

A final recap of the Frosty CMS project, features, screenshots etc.

Querying for a specific Strapi post using GraphQL query variables.

Comparing Strapi to Contentful and the trials and tribulations of setting up Strapi with a cloud based Mongo database.

Connecting Gatsby to Contentful CMS. Creating a data model and querying API endpoints with GraphQL. Pulling data into templates.

How to create a custom 404 page and the basics of React Helmet, which handles site meta-data dynamically.

Adding images to Markdown based posts in Gatsby using gatsby-remark-images

Using the Markdown filepath to dynamically generate a page slug and page for each markdown file, and then linking to those pages on the post index.