If we consider navigation when a user clicks on links to be Intentional Navigation, we are now going to look at Programmatic Navigation, where we force the application to navigate to a new location based on a set of triggers, like form submission.
We will be learning this within the context of our Twitch Clone application called "Glitch"
The question of when to programmatically navigate the user is an important one, and will be context specific. In this example we will be re-routing the user after they have successfully created a stream in our Twitch Clone. Therefore we want to wait until we have received a successful status code from the server before we re-route the user. Some flash messages would be helpful also, but we will be getting into those at a later time.
In this case, in my current opinion, the best way to accomplish this would be to use the React Router Redirect component, which is built for just this purpose.
If we combine that with all of the props that are available to us thanks to Redux-Form, we can take advantage of the submitSucceeded prop and implement this re-direct quite easily.
importReact,{Component}from"react"; import{Field, reduxForm }from"redux-form"; import{ connect }from"react-redux"; import{Redirect}from"react-router-dom"; import{ createStream }from"../../actions"; classStreamCreateextendsComponent{ renderError({ error, touched }){ if(touched && error){ return<div className="ui pointing label">{error}</div>; } } // must be arrow function so that context of this is bound for this.renderError renderInput=({ input, label, meta })=>{ return( <div className="field"> <label>{label}</label> <input {...input}/> {this.renderError(meta)} </div> ); }; // send post request to api server on submit onSubmit=(formValues)=>{ this.props.createStream(formValues); }; render(){ // check for successful form submission // redirect to index if true if(this.props.submitSucceeded===true){ return<Redirect to="/"/>; } return( <form className="ui form" onSubmit={this.props.handleSubmit(this.onSubmit)} > <Field name="title" component={this.renderInput} label="Enter Title: " /> <Field name="description" component={this.renderInput} label="Enter Description: " /> <button className="ui button primary">Submit</button> </form> ); } } constvalidate=(formValues)=>{ const errors ={}; if(!formValues.title){ errors.title="You must enter a title"; } if(!formValues.description){ errors.description="You must enter a description"; } return errors; }; // form wrapper const formWrapped =reduxForm({ form:"createStream", validate: validate, })(StreamCreate); // redux connect exportdefaultconnect(null,{ createStream })(formWrapped);
It is worth noting however that there is disagreement on this issue. There is one school of thought that you should accomplish this by messing with the React-Router History.
There is a good article that discusses the difference between the two methods here.
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React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It lets you compose complex UIs from small and isolated pieces of code called “components”.
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Next.js is an open-source React front-end development web framework that enables functionality such as server-side rendering and generating static websites for React based web applications.
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