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Intro to React Testing

Test Driven Development

Test Driven Development is a software development process where tests are written before the actual functions. The tests define the desired outcome, and then as the functions are created they will start to pass the tests until all of the tests are passed and the function is working correctly. This would be the opposite of Error Driven Development where the function is written first, and then the errors that are created are dealt with one by one until the function works correctly.

πŸ“˜ Wikipedia: Test Driven Development

The process of testing where we start with all tests failing and then eventually make them all pass is referred to as red-green testing.

The Testing Pyramid

There are three main types of tests; Unit Tests, Integration Tests and Functional Tests (AKA end-to-end tests). The quantity of tests that you write should be roughly in this proportion.

testing pyramid

Google often suggests a 70/20/10 split: 70% unit tests, 20% integration tests, and 10% Functional tests.

Unit Testing

Isolated: mock dependencies, test internals. Very isolated.

We mock the dependencies so that we can be certain that an error is coming from the unit itself and not one of the dependencies. This makes it very easy to pinpoint failures.

On the negative side it is more likely to break with refactoring.

Unit testing is done with a tool like Jest.

Integration Tests

Functional Testing

  • Include all relevant units, test behavior
  • Close to how users interact with software
  • Robust tests
  • More difficult to debut failing tests

Functional Tests are written with a library like Testing-Library

React Testing Library

  • RTL recommends finding elements by accessibility handles

Targeting Elements

One of the first things that you have to do when writing a functional test is you have to target an element before you can test something on that item. Elements are targeted using queries.

Testing-Library: About Queries

The most ideal way to target an element is by it’s role, which makes it universal for people who use screen readers. A list of all possible roles has been made available by W3C.

W3C: Role definitions

Some elements have built in roles. For example a button has an automatic role of button and an a tag automatically has a role of link.

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